What are we all about

What are we all about

The fitness industry and the media have been spinning you lies for YEARS! Over-complicating weight loss to make an extra buck. A few well respected individuals in the industry however, are now beginning to change this which is great news! The information they're putting out is no longer madness, its evidence-based and backed by scientific research, but before we get complicated yet again and start spouting scientific research to confuse you in a whole new way, I'll give you the secret to weight loss right now! It's called a CALORIE DEFICIT, basically, eat a little less and move a little more. Ok, that really is oversimplifying it, and that's what we've put together in our online weight loss coaching community. A way of delivering "the meat on the bones", answers to questions like, what is a calorie deficit? Where do I start, how do I track my food and so on. Come on in, you've got a week free, give it a try!